Album DetailsUnion of Knives - Made in Glasgow: Get a Map Out and Draw a Line that Joins Canada's Arcade Fire, Iceland's Sigur Ros, Norway's Royksopp and Come to Rest at Scotland's Union of Knives. What Do all These Places have in Common? Short Days and Long Nights. Music and Sound Born Out of Extreme Environments and Cultural Diversity. Glasgow and Union of Knives, Two Rough Diamonds of the North, Inextricably Linked. You're Going to Like this Album Very Much Indeed. "Violence and Birdsong" is the Culmination of Two Years of Hard Graft. For a Debut Album We Think it Feels Very Accomplished. The Balance of Youth and Experience, Tough and Melancholic, Vibrant and Nostalgic - There's Lots Going on Here. On Stage Craig Grant (Vox/Keys/Guitar) and Chris Gordon (Vox/Guitar) Play Dual Frontman Roles, Supported, Like a See-saw on an Axis, by Dave Mcclean (Sounds and Beats). In the Studio Each Member is Autonomous, Lyrics, Beats, Melodies and Ideas Come from Everywhere.