| Various Artists Polish Folk & Traditional Music Genres: Folk, International Music, Pop
- Track Listings (22) - Disc #1
- Wprowadzony (Introduction Piece)/Clarinet Solo Folk Dance
- Han W Gorach Na Hali (There in the Mountains on the Pastures)
- Dwa Golebzie [Two Pigeons]
- Pijal Ojciek, Pije Ja [Father Drinks, So Do I]
- Po Bobowisku [In the Bean Field]
- Czerwienianska [Song from Czerwienne]
- Skowroneczek Psiewa [The Lark Sings]
- Taniec Goralski [Gorale Dance]
- Jak Pojedzies Pole Orak [When You Go to the Field]
- Cialy Do Boxy [Charlie in Jail]
- Dobry Wieczor Wam [Good Evening to You]
- Dziadowski Karnawal [Beggar's Carnival]
- Hej Kepa /Kolysanka [Hey Hill]
- Hej Ide W Las [Hey, I Walk in the Forest]
- Jacok [Mountain Dance]
- Nie Boje Sie Ulana [I'm Not Afraid of the Uhlan]
- Antek Z Manka, Tancza Rach-Ciach-Ciach [Tony and Mary Dance Rach-Ciach-
- Gdzies Byl Jasinku [Where Were You, Johnny]
- Dyc Se Dolu Bialkom [Here Is Bialka Valley]
- Stach [Stan]
- Jedzie Na Koniku Cisawyrm [Johnny Sits on a Chestnut Horse]
- Marsz Zbojnicki [Bandit's March]