"Well.... Being a person of the 60s, this brings back memories. There are enough "standards" to please any Ventures fan. Special mention goes to Nokie Edwards' Caravan '65 (Track 10), he was very fast back then, and still is by todays standards. Even for Howie M.
The "House" i.e. Track 14, is the best version I have ever heard. It beats the Animals, Frigid Pink, Leslie West, et al. The "house" takes you from mellow, leaning back in the laz-e-boy, with J D on the rocks, to sitting on the edge of the seat, with you rocking to the driving guitar licks. Just plain 'ol fiery. Nuff' said.
Yeah, I like Carlos Santana and Enreque I. and mixes and well laid track on track, but for CLEAN, CRISP, Exciting music, the Ventures say it all.
Its hard to think than in 1965 I would like something from 1935 (30 years before) but in 2002, the Ventures sound just as good as when I first listened to them in the 60s. I have felt young all moning!!"