| Wagner Chevauchee des Walkyries - Haitink, Jansons, Klemp Genre: Classical
Track Listings (12) - Disc #1- Die Walk�re (The Valkyrie), opera, WWV 86b: Chevauch�e des Walkyries
- Das Rheingold (The Rhine Gold), opera, WWV 86a: Descente de Wotan chez les Nibelungen
- Das Rheingold (The Rhine Gold), opera, WWV 86a: Entr�e des dieux aux Walhalla
- Die Walk�re (The Valkyrie), opera, WWV 86b: Act 1. Prelude
- Die Walk�re (The Valkyrie), opera, WWV 86b: Adieux de Wotan et incantation du feu
- Siegfried, opera, WWV 86c: Sc�ne de la forge. Was am besten er kann
- Siegfried, opera, WWV 86c: Murmures de la for�et
- Siegfried, opera, WWV 86c: Act 3. Pr�lude
- Die G�tterd�mmerung (Twilight of the Gods), opera, WWV 86d: Lever du jour et voyage de Siegfried sur le Rhin
- Die G�tterd�mmerung (Twilight of the Gods), opera, WWV 86d: Marche fun�bre de Siegfried
- Die G�tterd�mmerung (Twilight of the Gods), opera, WWV 86d: Finale
- Die Walk�re (The Valkyrie), opera, WWV 86b: Hojotoho! Hojotoho!