Wilhelm Peterson-Berger

CDs Wilhelm Peterson-Berger performed on...

Currently Available CDs (1)

1996 - Anne Sofie von Otter - Wings in the Night (Swedish Songs)

Genres: Special Interest, Pop, Classical

CDs Wilhelm Peterson-Berger helped create...

Currently Available CDs (1)

2000 - Scandinavian Songs and Ballads

Genres: Special Interest, Pop, Classical

Currently Unavailable CDs (29)

2009 - Wilhelm Peterson-Berger Arnljot (Highlights)

2009 - The Sound of Scandinavia (Box Set)

Genres: Special Interest, Classical
2009 - Jussi Bjrling Recital

Genres: Pop, Classical
2007 - Birgit Nilsson Rarities

2007 - Wilhelm Peterson-Berger Intet r som vntanstider

2006 - Wilhelm Peterson-Berger Domedgsprofeterna (Highlights)

2006 - Vocalise - Mats Rondin (cello)

2006 - Wilhelm Peterson-Berger Complete Symphonies (Box Set)

2005 - Wilhelm Peterson-Berger Symphony No 5 Solitudo Violin Concerto

2005 - Scheherazade

2002 - Classical Chill
2002 - Choral Music from Scandinavia
2001 - Wilhelm Peterson-Berger Symphony No 4 Holmia Trnrossagan Frsblomster
2000 - Frsblomster for Piano Books 1-3 (Fr�s� Flowers)
2000 - Nordisk Vokalmusik - Singer Pur (Nordic Vocal Music)
2000 - Jussi Bjrling Early Swedish Recordings
2000 - Wilhelm Peterson-Berger Symphony 3 Earina Suite
1999 - Jussi Bjrling Early Swedish Recordings 1929 - 1936
1999 - Lyriskt
1999 - Wilhelm Peterson-Berger Symphony No 2 Violin Romance
1998 - Wilhelm Peterson-Berger Symphony No 1 I Somras Suite
1997 - Swedish a cappella Volume 1 - works by Oskar Frederik Lindberg Wilhelm Stenhammar August Soderman Wilhelm Peterson-Berger etc
1996 - Bjrling In Song
1996 - Sons of Orpheus - Songs for Male Chorus
1995 - Swedish Orchestral Favourites
1995 - Wilhelm Peterson-Berger Lieder
1994 - Lunds Studentsngare Spring Concert
1993 - Jussi Bjorling Vol 1
1993 - Swedish Radio Concerts