NOT a biography, but a mere r�sum� (and one with annoying in
SuitCase | Leipzig | 09/01/2010
(2 out of 5 stars)
"I had seen a video called "Will's Wisdom" on YouTube and was curious to learn more about what drives this man. That's why I purchased this audio book.
However, I personally found this "biography" to be very shallow, just outlining Will's different stages in life, without much detail. I can't imagine the author having worked more than two weeks on this "biography". Content-wise, it's really more like a 30-minute "documentary" than a "biography" (even though the audio book is longer than 30 minutes).
What I also found very distracting in this production is the background music. It makes the whole audio book sound like an infomercial or a movie trailer.
If you're looking for a quick overview over Will's life, don't want to spend more than an hour of your time, and if you don't mind audio books with background music, then this book might be okay for you. Otherwise, you won't be satisfied with it, and you'll still be left looking for a REAL biography after listening to this. In this case, you might as well save your money.
(I ordered "Will Smith: A Biography" by Lisa Iannucci now -- but, of couse, since I haven't read this one yet, I can't make a comparison or give a recommendation.)"