Catch the Elusive Wolf...
S�bastien Melmoth | H�tel d'Alsace, PARIS | 04/13/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
Of approximately 200 extant songs, this set features 175: nearly all the Wolf that's fit to print.
No one does it better than Fischer-Dieskau.
Call in the Wolf-The Leader of Lieder
Ryan Morris | Chicago, IL | 07/25/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I remember listening in awe to this set on record(which I had rented from the library) and have been looking for it ever since. From that week and a half on, I have been a devote Wolf fan-he opened me up to the lieder in general and I would say he, shares with Schubert, the title of greatest lieder composer. True, none of Wolfs lieder measure up to the singluar masterpieces of Gute Nacht, Erlkonig, Spinnrade, etc. But overall, Wolf's lieder are consistently top notch, like little opera's almost. The piano writing is glorious and in itself is masterly. If you are a fan of the lieder and do not know Wolf--then my friend you have not heard the leader."