Title: The Foundation Label: Chrysalis Original Release Date: 1/1/1986 Date: 11/18/2009 |
A brilliant album recorded in 1986 but still sounds fresh and uplifting that recieved little attention and hardly any promotion from Chrysalis Records. Lead singer Billy Trudel with his amazing singing range belts out this rocking jewel. Known for being part of Elton John's band plus doing studio vocals for other artists, way to many to list here. He and fellow Elton band members also recorded as Warpipes "Holes In The Heavens", also highly recommended. A very nice surprise is drummer Jerry Speiser of the famed Australian band, Men At Work. Here he thunders the rock beats that adds to the balance of this excellent album. Jerry is still teaching school and for his part-time hobby is in different local bands jamming at local pubs in Australia. The rest of the band are: Peter McIan on keyboards and backing vocals plus producer, Wade Biery on bass and Stuart Mathis on guitar. You won't be sorry buying this album if you enjoy rock music that is infectious and will have you singing along. All songs written by the band.
Tracks are:
1. Seasons Of The Heart 3:43
2. Invisible Man 4:12
3. Aim For The Heart 3:52
4. Parallel Lines 4:04
5. Planets In Motion 4:48
6. Walkaway 3:55
7. From This Day On 3:38
8. Fatal Attraction 4:54
9. When The Smoke Clears 6:09
Review Date: 11/18/2009
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