Discussion Forums - CD Bazaar

Topic: Buying/Selling Credits? READ THIS FIRST

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SwapaCDTeam (SwapaCD Team A.)
SwapaCD Team

Subject: Buying/Selling Credits? READ THIS FIRST
Date Posted: 7/6/2016 5:54 PM ET
Member Since: 2/25/2009
Posts: 59
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As of today, July 6th, 2016, there will be a minimum price for CD Credits sold between members of $3 per credit.

You are free to buy and sell CD Credits as always, but you may NOT sell or buy them for less than $3.00 per Credit.

  • That also means you may not offer or ask for goods (for example, Gift Cards) that work out to less than $3 per Credit.

This change is meant to keep the club healthy and working for everyone.

Members who become aware of any infractions should contact us ASAP.  FYI - the rule will be strictly enforced!

This policy goes into effect in all three sites today.


The SwapaCD Team

tennisrep (Mitch E.)

Date Posted: 7/9/2016 10:14 PM ET
Member Since: 3/27/2011
Posts: 170
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You may as well have just said there will be no more selling credits on this site because that is essentially what you have done.  No one is going to pay $3 for them.  Now I have tons of credits that I cannot use or sell.  I paid for the disc, listed in the site, took the time to wrap it and paid for postage.  I should be able to do whatever I want with the credit I get from that transaction.  I should be able to give them away if I want too!!  They are mine.  Why not get them to someone who might use them for whatever price I want instead of letting them sit unused(like mine will be).  Totally disagree!  

ssramsay (Shawn R.)

Subject: Whats the point
Date Posted: 7/10/2016 7:23 PM ET
Member Since: 5/10/2011
Posts: 142
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Ive been a member for years and not sure who this benefits. I guess us as the sellers but dont understand why you would try and put this policy in affect as  buyers that buy credits use them on your sites anyway.This will eleminate quite a few credit buyers from purchasing and credits will now lay dorment in  your best customer's accounts.

tennisrep (Mitch E.)

Date Posted: 7/10/2016 11:11 PM ET
Member Since: 3/27/2011
Posts: 170
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Totally agree Shawn.  This might be the worst decision ever if wanting to "keep the site healthy" is the goal.  It will eliminate most buyers.  That is why I will be moving my stuff to a different site or just dumping them and getting out.   Terrible decision making....just terrible!!!

Anton S.

Date Posted: 7/12/2016 3:20 PM ET
Member Since: 11/10/2009
Posts: 26
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I think this is a classic case of cutting off one's nose to spite one's face.

This decision must be explained better to us!



tennisrep (Mitch E.)

Date Posted: 7/15/2016 5:11 PM ET
Member Since: 3/27/2011
Posts: 170
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So now I literally have 100's of CDs that I know are on wish lists out there that I will not post because I don't want to add to my credit stockpile that I cannot sell or use!!  How many others will decide to stop posting new music for the same reason?  For the life of me I cannot see how discouraging members from posting new titles is keeping the site "healthy".  Absolutely the worst!!!!

Dennis S.

Date Posted: 7/16/2016 12:45 PM ET
Member Since: 4/2/2012
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I have started to pull titles off my wishlist. These are ones that I considered worth a try for a two dollar credit, but I'm not so sure about a three dollar credit. For many I am the only one who has them listed. I'm not sure many of those will ever show up, but if they do, there will no longer be an automatic swap for them.

I also regularly used this site to pick up common titles to fill in gaps in my collection or get newly discovered or rediscoverd commons that I somehow missed along the way. There won't be near as much of that since I can now get those cheaper elsewhere.

I will still have a wishlist and be active. And will probably still post CDs as I have them - though I have some I'm holding on to now until I see how this all works out. I just won't be as active. Not sure my actions or postings will have much affect, just figured I'd share my thoughts.


80smusic (John S.)

Subject: We all know what will happen
Date Posted: 7/16/2016 8:18 PM ET
Member Since: 4/5/2010
Posts: 149
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Everyone will just Pm the seller and tell them they will give them 2.00 or less a credit.  Anyone who reports it simply wont ever sell there credits.

 While it does break the rules. Most likely the one asking for a lower credit price is a regular member. If you start booting them who will be left.

I suspect the active member count is very low at this point and this is a last ditch effort to save the site for as long as possible.

 Obviously the posts above are the beginning of what CDswap can expect.

   So unless I am booted which could very well happen I will just watch this play out. Should not take long to see the effects.

MontyKensicle (Monty K.)

Date Posted: 8/8/2016 1:08 AM ET
Member Since: 10/15/2009
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What good is this supposed to do exactly? I have titles people want, so I trade them and receive credits. but there's very little I want to trade my credits for in return. Am I supposed to just sit on them forever?

joeker (Joe C.)

Subject: Pricing for Credits
Date Posted: 10/22/2016 10:23 AM ET
Member Since: 8/12/2010
Posts: 23
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I am sure you, Swap a CD admin team, are tired of this discussion, but for the sake of knowing your customers and why some leave I wanted to share my final opinion with you. I have truly enjoyed this website and using its services. I have found obscure CD's for musicians I love and I have discovered musicians that I didnt know about and have grown to love over the time I have spent on this site. 

That said, I believe your decision to regulate the pricing of credits between members is short sighted. When I could buy a credit for $1.90 or $2.00 I would buy ten or more at a time and explore the racks of CD's and take some chances. Now at $3.00 a pop I do not feel like I am willing to take any chances or spend a Sturday morning splurging on CD's and spending hours perusing other peoples CD racks. I understand that possible you are trying to preserve the integrity of your other sites auch as Swap a DVD but you have alienated many of us. 

This morning I will spend my last two credits and move to purchasing CD's through Amazons used service or Ebay. I will miss the members here and the time spent here, but I feel your decision is an insult to all of us who supported and helped build this site into the success it has become. 


Joe Cummings

hunter5361 (Steve B.)

Subject: Closing my account
Date Posted: 12/2/2016 5:19 PM ET
Member Since: 6/3/2010
Posts: 416
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Add me to the list. Unless this changes I will be closing my account at the end of the month. I can buy CDs at garage sales for a quarter apiece or go to Goodwill for $1.99. $3.00 per CD is just not realistic. Hardly ever get anything from my wishlist anyway.

Too bad those running this site don't have any real business sense. You can't expect to charge more for credits than CDs are worth. I have had my whole personal collection listed locally for a year at $1.50/cd with no takers. At $3.00/credit you have put the site out of business.

Steve B (Hunter5361)

Last Edited on: 12/2/16 5:21 PM ET - Total times edited: 1
Luckycutey (Leandra M.)

Date Posted: 1/9/2017 10:44 PM ET
Member Since: 9/19/2012
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you have made a crucial math error in this. If you can swap 3 cd credits for 2 dvd credits, which also have a minimum of $3, then people can just go to the DVD site and buy two credits for $6, and then transfer them to their cd or book account and get 3 credits for the price of 2. The CD and book credits should have a minimum of $2 so the exchange rate makes sense.

markg731 (Mark G.)

Subject: Let's keep the discussion going
Date Posted: 3/30/2017 4:29 PM ET
Member Since: 12/27/2013
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Since 7/6/16 when SACD changed their policy, I have hardly sold any credits. I accumulate more with my infrequent trades, and have a glut of credits I doubt I will ever use. This has directly affected my decision to post CDs. I don't go to thrift stores or garage sales any more to look for new CDs because I don't need additional credits. And when I request CDs, often it's becuase I have credits to use and not truly becuase it's a long-sought-after CD.

The same 5 or 6 people selling credits in the CD Bazaar forum keep bumping their posts (myself included) so it appears at the top of the list in the hope of being the first to get a credit purchase request. It's silly, really, but what else can we do?

As people have commented prevlously, $3.00 per credit is too much when most thrift stores charge $1 to $2 for a CD. Heck, I can't even get $1 per CD at my own garage sales. Very few, if any, members will pony up $3 per credit.

The decision to set the price of credits seemed illogical to me at the time, and still does. 

Happy trading!

Sharon R.

Date Posted: 12/25/2017 12:06 PM ET
Member Since: 8/3/2014
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Well, here goes, I have 5 credits for sale at $3 each.  A few people will buy because they don't get out to go to Goodwill or garage sales.

Last Edited on: 12/25/17 12:06 PM ET - Total times edited: 1
Carla R.

Subject: As I type this, there are literally only 13 people online
Date Posted: 9/28/2019 11:08 PM ET
Member Since: 8/7/2006
Posts: 51
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I've been a member since 2006, and have made nearly 300 transactions on this site and hundreds more on the book and DVD swapping sites. As I type this, there are literally only 13 people online. I don't think I need to point out that this site is basically dead. The writing has been on the wall for a long time now. Unfortunately, some (many?) of us shipped out more CDs than we requested, and we are now stuck with excess credits. Believe me, I've been trying to sell off credits for a number of years. Before there was a rule about pricing, I sold them at ridiculously low prices just to get some money out of it. Now with the imposed minimum, I can't sell anything, as so many others have already stated. I removed everything from my tower and stopped sending out CDs. I'd rather donate them, as sending them out costs money, and I do not want the credits. 

If any of the site administrators is bothering to read this post, please, please, please, consider lifting the minimum price and letting us sell credits at the going rate, so that those who really want to purchase them can do so before this site completely goes under (and you know it will). Maybe this swap site can finally take its last breath and we can all find some closure. 

Sherry (Sherry C.)

Date Posted: 1/30/2020 9:43 AM ET
Member Since: 8/8/2006
Posts: 74
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I sure wish they would lift the $3 minimum restriction.  I would think that if people could get the credits for less, you would generate a lot more interest in listing cds and being able to get rid of your excess credits.  And with more people buying credits, getting a lot more people ordering cds.

KINGFISH254 (Brian P.)

Date Posted: 3/23/2020 1:44 PM ET
Member Since: 2/7/2009
Posts: 133
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Last Edited on: 3/23/20 7:59 PM ET - Total times edited: 1
Michelle D.

Date Posted: 2/27/2021 10:37 AM ET
Member Since: 3/11/2008
Posts: 83
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For an example of the prices of credits now, let's say that you wanted the Mozart box set that someone posted a few days ago. That's 170 discs, so it would cost 170 credits. Say that you don't have 170 credits so you bought them from someone at three dollars apeice. That's $510. At that point, it would be cheaper on Amazon or Ebay. At least allow sellers and buyers to make bulk deals! Also,  the number of members that belong to this site has been slowly degrading since streaming services have become more popular. Maybe if you lower the three dollar restriction, we can start to see more new members, and more cds posted, which means more requested!

Last Edited on: 2/27/21 2:07 PM ET - Total times edited: 1