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Topic: Do you share your Wish List? Just wondering what folks do

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icberry (IC B.)

Subject: Do you share your Wish List? Just wondering what folks do
Date Posted: 8/17/2024 1:20 PM ET
Member Since: 12/28/2007
Posts: 1,252
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Hi all,

I just "granted" five -- soon to be six -- Wishes directly to my fellow traders' Wish Lists, so my outgoing trades this week will contain two ore more disks to each trader. (It is possible to "grant" a wish directly to a fellow trader without getting hung up in the queue, if you do it directly to their Wish List. This is a baked-in SwapaCD feature.)

This is something I like to do a) to save postage when I can, and b) to be that nice trader who does that sometimes, ha. I can do that because most of my fellow traders keep their Wish Lists "visible". Mine is open to view too.

Some of my favorite follks to trade with leave their Wish Lists marked P for private.  Privacy is important -- that's absolutely fine.  I just wondered if there is something technical or site-related about I should know about leaving a wish list visible or not-visible.

Do you like to keep your wish list viewable or P for private?  I'd be glad to hear what folks' thought are on that. 




noizemonger (Brad L.)

Date Posted: 8/18/2024 12:28 PM ET
Member Since: 3/1/2021
Posts: 74
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I keep my wish list viewable for the reasons icberry detailed above. The ony reason I can think of to keep it private is to prevent another trader from copying your wants wholesale and then re-ordering them so that the copier can move into better position on most titles, but that seems like a lot of work.

MusikLover (VALERIE L.)

Date Posted: 8/19/2024 2:53 AM ET
Member Since: 11/2/2013
Posts: 278
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I know people who keep their wishlist private on SwapaDVD.  They don't want other people looking at their wishlist and adding things to their own wl.

Just like Brad mentioned, they don't want more people passing them in the wl queue.  


icberry (IC B.)

Date Posted: 8/19/2024 1:40 PM ET
Member Since: 12/28/2007
Posts: 1,252
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Hi again, thanks all, for your thoughts.  

re "moving ahead in line" by adding the Wants of someone else, does that even have an effect nowadays? Interesting.  Haven't thought about that for years. Hope my fellow-trademates haven't been stepping up to grab something off my embarrassingly-geeky wishlist all these years...!

(I've been #1 for at least eight years for the entire first page and a half of my wishes.. Now I'm laughing.....)

thanks everybody -- anybody else wants to comment, please do!


noizemonger (Brad L.)

Date Posted: 8/19/2024 4:29 PM ET
Member Since: 3/1/2021
Posts: 74
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I know I've jumped ahead of others by moving something higher on my wish list at least a couple of times. Length of time on your wish list is the most important factor (as it should be), but moving a title up your wish list can defintely help you out.

icberry (IC B.)

Date Posted: 8/20/2024 3:05 PM ET
Member Since: 12/28/2007
Posts: 1,252
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Hi Brad, and everybody,

Thanks all. Here's what made me ask the question: I was interested in how a "Private" wish list might provide any firm positive effect for a trader.  What Brad describes is what's in the How the Wish List Works document, basically -- a strategy that the Wish List allows for. 

Does marking your list P actually protect anything?

I see two scenarios, one where a Private list might help your interests in a basic way, and the other maybe not.

1. For a Wish List Item that hundreds of other people want: privacy on or off itself wouldn't, I think, affect any one trader's place in the line. Everybody who wants said item is as free as anybody else to adjust position numbers, and there's no real way of knowing who the other wishers are, or what their positions are.

2. For a Holy Grail item that nobody but you wants: Keeping your list private would perhaps keep your buds from adding to their lists, too.  With P on, you can control who sees what about your musical wishes.  With P off, you don't have that control.

For scenario 1., it's no gain for me to peek at anyone's list just to find out that they want a lot of stuff other people (and I also) want, and so no risk or loss implied in a not-private list, I think.

For scenario 2., if you have similar musical tastes as I do in music, then me being able to peek at your list might feel to you like poaching, especially if I suddenly add a bunch of the same great stuff you like... and now suddenly you see two wishes for your Holy Grail item where yesterday there was one, You.

On the other hand, maybe Spotify just started playing your Holy Grail item a lot and now the numbers of wishers are suddenly through the roof -- having nothing to do with peeky behavior, or privacy, poachers, or place-in-line.  

Anyhow ---I'll still grant wishes when I can -- my next challenge will be how to get more people to respond when they DO get an offer! 

thanks everyone.



Last Edited on: 10/3/24 11:26 AM ET - Total times edited: 1