You can PM me to get started. This is a repost from SACD, but I'm willing to sell the credits here also, if anyone is interested. I just spent over $100 recently (in shipping) sending out CD's and I'm hoping to recoup some of that back, so I'm going to try and sell some credits. Cash App or Zelle is preferred, but I'll also accept PayPal (preferably Friends and family, otherwise there is a 60 cent fee for using PayPal). I have over 100 credits available. Price: Last Edited on: 11/17/24 9:28 AM ET - Total times edited: 3 |
I held the door open for a clown the other day. I thought it was a nice jester. |
What do you call a bear without any teeth? A gummy bear! |
How did the fish get high? With seaweed! |
Why do bees have sticky hair? Because they use a honeycomb. |
What do you call a cow during an earthquake? Beef Jerky! |
My brother took going to jail really badly. He refused all offers of food and drink and spat and swore at anyone who came near him. After that, we never played Monopoly with him again. |
What goes ha ha plop? Someone laughing their head off. |
Why do ducks have feathers on their butts? To cover up their butt quacks! |
Did you hear about this movie where a snowman becomes a vampire? It's called Frostbite. |
What did the daddy spider say to the baby spider? You're spending too much time on the web. |
What's the difference between snowmen and snow-women? Snowballs. |
Where do werewolves live? In warehouses! Last Edited on: 12/19/24 10:40 AM ET - Total times edited: 1 |
Do you know the loudest pet you can get? A trumpet! |
You know why skeletons don't trick or treat? They have no body to go with! |
What did the pig use for his rash? Ointment! |
Why do I always wear a helmet before I go on the computer? It may crash! |
What do insects wear to the beach? Beekini's! |
I once debated a flat earther. He got so mad he stormed off saying he would walk to the edge of the earth to prove me wrong. He'll come around eventually. |
Why did the apple pie cry? It's peelings we're hurt! |