Help Center - I received a CD postage-due!

Search Terms:

If you receive a CD postage-due, you should contact the sender to discuss this.  Please be polite: this was probably a simple mistake.

  • You should mark the CD received normally, and use the mini-survey portion of the "CD received" page to make a note about the postage amount due.

  • The sender will get credit for sending the CD automatically, but she or he should compensate you for the missing postage.

  • You can arrange any solution that you like (the sender can buddy you a credit, send money through PayPal, contact us to transfer money to your account, or send a free CD)- whatever you both agree upon.

  • You can direct the sender to the Help Center item "How do I give credits to other members?" for instructions on how to send you a credit, or send them this link:


Related Links:

How much does it cost to mail a CD?
How do I contact another member?
Getting Around SwapaCD--where IS everything?