Search - James Newton Howard :: Dave: Original Soundtrack Album

Dave: Original Soundtrack Album
James Newton Howard
Dave: Original Soundtrack Album
Genres: Special Interest, Pop, Soundtracks
  •  Track Listings (13) - Disc #1


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CD Details

All Artists: James Newton Howard
Title: Dave: Original Soundtrack Album
Members Wishing: 2
Total Copies: 0
Label: Warner Bros / Wea
Original Release Date: 5/25/1993
Release Date: 5/25/1993
Album Type: Soundtrack
Genres: Special Interest, Pop, Soundtracks
Styles: Comedy & Spoken Word, Easy Listening
Number of Discs: 1
SwapaCD Credits: 1
UPCs: 075992451024, 075992451048

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CD Reviews

Whimsy & Intrigue in the White House
valleyranchdressing | Dallas, Texas | 12/04/1999
(5 out of 5 stars)

"This movie is one of those gems that quietly grows on you -- each viewing creating anticipation and appreciation for its wit and style. The casting is superb. Kevin Kline doesn't know how to give a bad performance. Frank Langella's brilliant characterization of the ambitious, power-hungry 'man behind the throne' is perfect, and a wonderful contrast to his long-ago role as the cad/seducer in Diary of a Mad Housewife.This is definitely a movie to buy because it needs to be seen many times. The innumerable funny pearls in this movie alone are worth the price of the DVD. For Minnesotans, one of the slyest gags was Dave's gig early in the moview, imitating the President at the grand opening of Durenberger Motors in his home town. The movie was released around the time that David Durenberger (Minnesota's senior senator) was embroiled in an ethics scandal. A personal favorite moment was the scene where Dave (with the help of his accountant buddy played by Charles Grodin) pares the federal budget to save a homeless shelter for children -- the cabinet members bemusedly participating just like a family sitting around the kitchen table wrestling with its own budget. Priceless."
An American Kagemusha...via Gary Ross
LGwriter | Astoria, N.Y. United States | 01/26/2002
(4 out of 5 stars)

"Though this film was directed by Ivan Reitman, it's the screenwriter's picture all the way. Gary Ross has made his reputation spinning stories of innocents caught up in the world of the not-so-innocent--or vice versa. With Big, starring Tom Hanks, it was a 12-year old magically transformed into a 30 year old man, contending with the world of grownups. In his latest film, Pleasantville, it's two hip, decidedly uninnocent teenagers zoomed into the innocent world of a typical 50s TV show. In this, his middle film, it's the owner of a copy shop, Dave, called on to impersonate the president--a high strung cad who's just suffered a heart attack. Dave is a heck of a lot more innocent than most guys his age. Divorced, he busies himself with his work and sports, always hoping to meet the right woman.What's groovy about this film is that it's a hip, comic American remake of the great Akira Kurosawa's Kagemusha. In that film--a powerful drama with no comedy at all--a grievously ill warlord tells his vassals to find a man who resembles him as closely as possible so the warlord can instruct the other man in the ways of ruling a region; if his subjects see him alive and healthy, they'll be reassured and spies from enemy regions will know he's still a force to be reckoned with.The vassals find a commoner whose resemblance to the warlord is so striking, there's no one else who could do the job. He's told exactly what to do, how to stand, sit, and do all the other stuff a warlord should. The same happens in Dave--he learns what to do from the evil Frank Langella, the White House press secretary. As Dave, Kevin Kline strikes the perfect balance of innocence and determination to right the wrongs so clearly in evidence. And Sigourney Weaver does a more than credible job as the first lady who's charmed by this knowledgeable innocent.Also here are Ben Kingsley as the just as innocent Vice President (contrast this with his absolutely astounding performance in the recent Sexy Beast as a nasty rotten gangster!) and Ving Rhames, always reliable, as the secret service man who's on Dave's side all the way.Ross is one smart cookie. Taking Kagemusha and updating it to 90s America, mixing it with big dollops of comedy and a poignant love story, was a great idea. This film really works. Take a look at Ross' other films; they're just as great."
A Washington fantasy, full of idealism and fun
valleyranchdressing | 04/11/2000
(5 out of 5 stars)

"Every time I watch this movie (more often now that it is an election year) I am amazed that the implausibility of it doesn't bother me. But it doesn't. Ivan Reitman manages to bring together an impressive group of actors and makes every character on the screen seem real. Kevin Kline is his usual remarkable self, a chameleon playing an idealistic Presidential look-alike swept into national politics. Sigourney Weaver is as warm and interesting as I have ever seen her in movies. Together they are like two children sharing a secret. Watch, for example, the pause at the top of the stairs when they return to the White House after their near-escape. But my greatest admiration is for Reitman who gives every character in this movie a chance to shine. Charles Grodin being seduced by the promise of bratwurst. Ving Rhames discussing how he looks in a sweater. Ben Kingsley becoming nostalgic about how a shoe salesman became Vice President. Frank Langella humming Hail to the Chief while he forges the president's signature. The timing and subtlety of these touches makes me wonder if this is the same Ivan Reitman who did movies as unsubtle as Ghostbusters!If national politics is getting you down, this is the perfect antidote. Lovely Washington photography, too. Kevin Kline can be my president any time!"